This is part 3 of the series. The previous part is here.

Exactly-once is the message delivery guarantee the most developers want to achieve in their systems. In the most cases, the implementation of the set of rules backing it up should include the application layer. The idea is explained in details in this great article by Szymon Pobiega.

Since at-most-once sometimes loses messages, exactly-once is much easier to be built on top of an at-least-once background job processor (or any messaging system).

The non pro version of the most popular Ruby’s background job processor Sidekiq implements at-most-once delivery. The pro version comes with at-least-once guarantee.

Just remember that Sidekiq will execute your job at least once, not exactly once. Even a job which has completed can be re-run. Redis can go down between the point where your job finished but before Sidekiq has acknowledged it in Redis. Sidekiq makes no exactly-once guarantee at all.

from sidekiq’s best practices

Let’s dig a bit into the problematics of it. Where and when the messages are being lost and why it’s hard to migrate from at-most-once to at-least-once?

See the simplified diagram: Diagram 1

A sample message loss scenario: a job was pulled from Redis, and the worker started to perform the task, but the job processor received a kill signal, as a result the worker could not complete the task in time — so the pulled message was lost. The processor has timeouts and workers have some time to finish the processing before the shutdown/restart, but timeouts cannot grant a complete reliability.

One of possible ways to achieve reliability is to use BRPOPLPUSH instead of BRPOP. As of Redis version 6.2.0, BRPOPLPUSH is deprecated, and can be replaced by BLMOVE. This (or similar) approach is being used in sidekiq pro version. It’s an atomic operation, so every time it pops something from the queue, it pushes the same message into a backup queue (let’s name it in_progress queue). Once the job is done, the relevant data can be safely removed from the in_progress queue. This way, the messages won’t be lost, thus it grants at-least-once execution. However, BRPOPLPUSH (same for BLMOVE) has a downside: it doesn’t support multiple sources. It has to be run per queue, and it in the way it’s being used the performance degrades. There’s a lot of discussion about this problem in the community (f.e. request to add MBRPOPLPUSH), however, it hasn’t been resolved yet.

Because of Redis limits, super_fetch has to poll the queues in Redis for jobs, rather than blocking. If you have M queues being processed by N processes, you will get M * N rpoplpush Redis calls per second which can lead to a lot of Redis traffic and CPU burn. The solution is to reduce the number of queues or specialize your Sidekiq processes: have each process only handle 3-4 queues.

from sidekiq’s reliability

One more issue of this architecture: the number of Redis connections equals to the specified concurrency.

Moving queue reading to a separate entity and making it independent of workers and concurrency settings would reduce the load on Redis. In the other words, the idea is to read the jobs from Redis using BLMOVE from each queue with a dedicated connection, while the workers are going to process the pulled jobs. The concurrency can be set to a rather high value, while the number of Redis connections will depend on the number of specified queues.

To verify this idea, let’s compare the performance of parallel BRPOP reads with BLMOVE using Ruby’s redis-client and async.

The test setup: create 3 different queues in Redis, push 100_000 messages into each, and measure how much time it takes to read the messages:

  • 3 connections with BRPOP listening on the full list of queues (BRPOP queue0 queue1 queue2)
  • 3 connections with BLMOVE (one per queue) with an additional backup in_progress queue as the destination (BLMOVE queue0 queue0_in_progress LEFT RIGHT)
require 'async'
require 'async/pool'
require 'redis-client'

COUNT = 100_000

# async pool requires a specific interface
class CustomClient < RedisClient
  def concurrency
  def viable?
  def closed?
  def reusable?

config = CustomClient.config(timeout: nil)
pool = Async::Pool::Controller.wrap(limit: 3) do

# upload 100_000 messages
3.times do |i|
  Sync do
    pool.acquire do |cl|'DEL', "testlist#{i}")'DEL', "testlist_in_process#{i}")
      COUNT.times do'LPUSH', "testlist#{i}", '100')

The tests are being run on Apple M1 MacOS 13.2. The code running BLMOVE:

def run_blmove(pool)
  Async do
    3.times do |i|
      key = "testlist#{i}"
      reserved_key = "testlist_in_process#{i}"
      values = []
      Async do
        loop do
          value = pool.acquire do |cl|
            cl.blocking_call(false, 'BLMOVE', key, reserved_key, 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 2)
          values << value if value
          break if values.count == COUNT

The resulting time is 7.69s.

Then, the code running BRPOP is:

def run_brpop(pool)
  keys = ['testlist0', 'testlist1', 'testlist2']
  values = []

  Async do
    3.times do |i|
      Async do
        loop do
          break if values.count == COUNT * 3
          value = pool.acquire do |cl|
            cl.blocking_call(false, 'BRPOP', *keys, 2)
          values << value if value

The resulting time is 9.87s.

Increase the number of concurrent reads, re-run the BRPOP with 3 queues, but 12 pool concurrency and 12 nested async tasks: the result is 9.54s.

30 pool concurrency and 30 nested async tasks: the result is 9.63s. The higher concurrency numbers do not provide a better reading speed, and it’s still much slower compared to 3 BLMOVE connections.

A big advantage of fibers is that they are spawned at much cheaper cost than threads. Now, that we’re sure that BRPOP can be replaced with BLMOVE and the process of reading from Redis can be safely separated from workers without a performance drop, we can create a dedicated Fetcher for each queue and run it with fibers. Each Fetcher reads jobs, writes the data into in_progress queue, pushes the job into Priority Queue (PQueue), and the workers pool reads and process the data. On complete, the job is being removed from in_progress queue with Acknowledger.

Workers pop the jobs from a Priority Queue, so the ones with the higher prio are going to be processed first. The fetchers are smart enough, so they won’t read anything from Redis to push it into PQueue unless there are free workers available.

See the simplified diagram: Diagram 2

This hieararchy guarantees at-least-once jobs execution for regular jobs. There’s more to overview, in the upcoming articles I’ll explain how in_progress queues are being handled in case a worker wasn’t able to complete a job. Also there’s a big topic how to make scheduled at a specific time jobs reliable, and the same for ones which are failed and going to be retried. It’s not covered by this diagram and is going to be addressed in the future versions. Stay tuned!

This approach, in particular additional LREM call for each job on completion, adds some overhead, thus at-least-once works slower compared to at-most-once, depending on the payload it takes some additional memory and CPU. However, in cases when reliability is important, this could be a fine compromise.

Jiggler implements the given approach in 0.1.0 version. In fact, it provides a setting for users to specify at-least-once or at-most-once delivery strategy. The complete performance results can be found on README page.